13 Chiropractic Businesses Licensed in Surprise, Arizona
There are 13 Chiropractic Businesses LISTED BELOW that are located in Surprise, Arizona – with City Business License. After the LIST, there is additional information about each Chiropractic Business such as Address, Phone Number, Website, and even some YouTube videos posted by some of those Chiropractic offices.
Springback Chiropractic responded to our offer to highlight local businesses for free and we are happy to place them at the top of this alphabetical list.
Chiropractor YouTube Videos from New York City and Los Angeles.
– over 11 million views
– over 10 million views
“Chiropractic is a licensed health care profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Treatment typically involves manual therapy, often including spinal manipulation. Other forms of treatment, such as exercise and nutritional counseling, may be used as well.
What Chiropractors Do
Chiropractors approach patient care in a manner similar to that used in conventional medicine. They interview the patient, obtain a detailed health history, perform an examination, do tests, and develop a working diagnosis. They then develop a management plan, start treatment, and monitor the patient’s progress. Chiropractors often treat problems related to the musculoskeletal system.
The manual treatment methods used by chiropractors range from stretching and sustained pressure to specific joint manipulations, which are usually delivered by hand and involve a quick and gentle thrust. The purpose of the manipulations is to improve joint motion and function. Manipulations are most commonly done on the spine, but other parts of the body may also be treated in this way.”
From the US Health and Human Services – National Institute Health – (NIH) Website: Chiropractic: In Depth | NCCIH (nih.gov)
Our Local Surprise, Arizona Chiropractors List
- Springback Chiropractic
- Backbone Chiropractic
- Bell West Chiropractic
- Chirofit Chiropractic
- Goodyear Chiropractic Clinic
- Greenway/Cotton Chiropractic
- Heid Chiropractic
- Kingswood Parke Family Chiropractic
- Sheitelman Chiropractic
- Surprise Chiropractic
- The Joint (Bell Road)
- The Joint (Waddell Road)
- Van Metre Chiropractic
Our Local Surprise, Arizona Chiropractor Details
Springback Chiropractic
At Springback, Dr. Patrick Bain is a Chiropractor, Energy Healer, and Podcast Host. You can see his Social Media Links here: The Unruly Doctor | Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree
We encourage you to check out his website, as it is loaded with helpful information.
Address: Springback Chiropractic is located at13980 W. Bell Rd, Suite 7
Phone: (623) 226-7527
Website: www.springbackchiro.com
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@theunrulydoctor
Monday: 8:30am-1pm & 3pm-6:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am-1pm & 3pm-6:30pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 8:30am-1pm & 3pm-6:30pm
Friday-Sunday: Closed
Check out (CLICK) the image below showing a short video example of Dr. Bain sharing a treatment on the video below
Backbone Chiropractic
Address: 18775 N Reems Road
Phone: (623) 544-0200
Website: (7) Backbone Chiropractic | Surprise AZ | Facebook
Backbone Chiropractic is a chiropractic natural health clinic founded and operated by Dr. David Backus.
Check out (CLICK) the YouTube Video below
Bell West Chiropractic
Address: 16846 W Bell Road
Phone: (623) 556-2335
Website: www.bellwestchiro.com
Mon 8am to 12pm & 2pm to 6pm
Tue 8am to 12pm & 2pm to 6pm
Wed 8am to 12pm & 2pm to 6pm
Thu 8am to 12pm & 2pm to 6pm
Fri 8am to 12pm & 2pm to 6pm
Sat 9m to 12pm
Sun Closed
CHIROFIT has 22 locations in Arizona including one on Bell Road in Surprise, Arizona
Address: 13754 Bell Road, Suite 2
Phone: (623) 773-2000
Website: chirofit-chiropractic-surprise-az.com
Goodyear Chiropractic Clinic – In Surprise, AZ
Goodyear Chiropractic Clinic has 3 locations including the one in Surprise, Arizona. Check out their additional services such as naturopathic and massage offered on their website.
Address: 15411 W Waddell Road
Phone: (623) 225-7408
Website: goodyearchiropractic.com/surprise-clinic/
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@goodyearchiropractic3409
Office Hours
Sun | Closed | ||
Mon | 1:00 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Tue | 1:00 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Wed | 1:00 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Thu | 1:00 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Fri | 1:00 PM | 8:00 PM | |
Sat | 9:00 AM | Noon |
Paul Woolf, D.C., C.M.V.I .
Chiropractic Physician (Surprise)
With nearly 30 years of experience, Dr. Woolf has helped treat and care for over 11,000 patients ranging from newborns to seniors. He attended Life Chiropractic College in Atlanta, GA after being told by his father that he had a real talent. Dr. Woolf lives in the Surprise, Arizona area with his wife, two children and three dogs. He is a huge fan of all major sports and is an undercover cook!
GreenwayCotton Chiropractic
Address: 16995 W Greenway Road #102
Phone: (623) 433-8895
Website: www.surpriseazchiro.com
8:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm – 5:00pm
1:00pm – 6:00pm
8:00am – 1:00pm
2:00pm – 5:00pm
1:00pm – 6:00pm
8:00am – 12:00pm
Heid Chiropractic
Address: 16944 W Bell Road #602
Phone: (623) 505-7226
Website: Heid ChiropracticChiropractor in Surprise AZ
Chiropractic and Massage Therapy
8 AM-6PM
Every other Saturday
Closed Sunday
Kingswood Parke Family Chiropractic
Address: 15508 W Bell Road #105
Phone: (623) 556-4772
Website: http://kingswoodparkefamilychiropractic.com/
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/KingswoodSurprise/
8:30a-11:30a & 2:30p-5:30p
2:30p – 5:30p
11a – 2p
Sheitelman Chiropractic – Sheitelman Physical Medicine
Address: 13757 W Bell Road Suite 101
Phone: (623) 214-7600
Website: Surprise, AZ Chiropractor | Physical Medicine | Sheitelman Physical Medicine (smedchiro.com)
Surprise Chiropractic
Address: 14515 W Grand C=128
Phone: (623) 544-9111
Website: surprisechiropractic.com
- M 9:00 AM –5:30 PM
- T 9:00 AM –5:30 PM
- W 9:00 AM –5:30 PM
- Th 9:00 AM –5:30 PM
- F 9:00 AM –5:30 PM
- Sat –By appointment only
The Joint Chiropractic
There are TWO Surprise AZ locations of The Joint Chiropractic
Address 1 (Surprise): 14155 W. Bell Road Suite Suite #107 Phone: (480) 448-1203
Address 2 (Litchfield and Waddell in Surprise): 13953 W Waddell Road Suite #102 Phone: (623) 888-8694
Website: www.thejoint.com/locations?lat=&lng=&search=surprise
Van Metre Chiropractic
Address: 13927 W Grand #402
Phone: (623) 209-2225
Website: vanmetrechiropractic.com
See More about Surprise Arizona on: That Surprise “LIST”
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